While I was painting at place de la Republique a few months back a guy walked up to me and asked if he can film me while I was painting , I agreed …
Now a few months later, he recontacted me saying he made a video about it,
Its a short video in French from a film maker named Curmi his channel is called Tanikunafilms on you tube, he explains the meaning of this word in the introduction to his video,
«Dans les andes des mes origines, Tinkuna signifie " la rencontre".
L"instant souspandue éntre la passé et L'avenir et dont nul ne sait qu'il Ouvrira comme monde à ceux qui le traversent. ces présents de
la vie dont on ne sait pas toujors quoi faire. moi j'en ferai des filmes. »
In free translation :
“ in the mountains of my origins, Tinkuna means "meeting".
The moment underhanded between the past and the future and that no one knows what it will open as a world to those who cross it.
these presents of the life of which one does not always know what to make.
I will make films of them.”
He is a really nice guy and I really liked this video, its weird funny and deep In the same time.
In Israel we say
''המקיים חיי אדם מקיים עולם ומלואו'',רמב''ם
In free translation it means :
he who maintains a human life maintains an entire world,
it was a privilege to have this Tanikuna with Curmi ,
he doesn’t have an Instagram page but he does have a YouTube channel that I recommend visiting.
he really captured the atmosphere of the streets of Paris,
here’s some of what Curmi wrote
Le moment passé avec Sam m’a semblé rempli de nombreuses choses. Je l’ai vécu avec un certain bonheur. J’ai trouvé Sam intéressant et marrant. Gentil aussi. J’ai perçu sa sensibilité. L’ambiance et la lumière du moment m’ont semblé puissantes et j’ai pris du plaisir à les capturer à ma façon. Alors ainsi m’est venue cette idée. Je n’y connais pas grand-chose en peinture, pourtant j’ai la sensation que Sam est un grand peintre. Qu’il n’est pas n’importe qui. Plus qu’une sensation, j’en ai la certitude. J’ai aimé son travail sur la lumière, le relief discret de la statue. Discret mais essentiel. J’ai aimé aussi observer sa gestuelle, écouter le son des outils et la vie du chevalet.
Il me semble que Sam dégage une animalité différente. Renforcée par la zone de calme qui s’installe entre lui et les mouvements de la ville. Une sorte de bulle où s’animent son corps et sans doute ses émotions. Renforcée aussi par le regard des passants, tantôt attentif, concentré, curieux, envieux, admiratif, pressé. Jamais indifférent devant cet acte artistique.
The time spent with Sam seemed to me to be filled with many things. I lived it with a certain happiness. I found Sam interesting and funny. Nice too. I sensed his sensitivity. The atmosphere and the light of the moment seemed powerful to me and I enjoyed capturing them in my own way. So that's how the idea came to me. I don't know much about painting, yet I have the feeling that Sam is a great painter. That he is not just anyone. More than a feeling, I am sure of it. I liked his work on the light, the discreet relief of the statue. Discreet but essential. I also liked observing his gestures, listening to the sound of the tools and the life of the easel.
It seems to me that Sam exudes a different animality. Reinforced by the zone of calm that settles between him and the movements of the city. A kind of bubble where his body and probably his emotions come alive. Reinforced also by the gaze of passers-by, sometimes attentive, concentrated, curious, envious, admiring, in a hurry. Never indifferent to this artistic act.