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Artist journal

Sam Rachamin
Jun 12, 20191 min read
Painting in Paris is nice, I love the Gothic architectureÂ
saint vincent de paul church Paris is where I painted yesterday, come join me on one of my workshops and do it yourself,

Sam Rachamin
May 14, 20191 min read
My latest paintings from Avignon
Here are a few more paintings from the workshop in Avignon, I usually don't paint flowers but this time I gave it a go, take that Monet...

Sam Rachamin
May 8, 20192 min read
ASHURST Emerging artists 2019 interview and answers to questions about the auto portrait in paris
this year I was selected among 29 other artists as finalists (out of more then 4450 participants) at the ASHURST Emerging artists prize....
Sam Rachamin
May 3, 20191 min read
Exhibitions in London
I'm delighted and honored to announce that my paintings were selected to participate at the : RBA - Royal society of British Artists...

Sam Rachamin
Apr 29, 20191 min read
Gesso canveses, paint outside, mount on wood,frame & repeat
Practice makes perfect, I just finished mounting these oil paintings on wood, now its time to frame them

Sam Rachamin
Apr 25, 20191 min read
The "pesach bunny" is searching for a new home
The "pesach bunny" is searching for a new home There is only one of this kind, to purchase you can go to
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